Family Law: Call For A Licensed Legal Practitioner


A solicitor is the same thing as a lawyer. A lawyer is a description to a licensed person who gives legal advice to an individual, business, or company. RVS Solicitors provide legal support, representation, and pieces of advice in various matters, such as:

  • Family law
  • Business law
  • Criminal law
  • Property law

Solicitors deal with the communications and paperwork involved with the client’s case. These lawyers or solicitors ensure the precision of all procedures and give legal advice while preparing paperwork for court when needed. A solicitor represents a client in court, but it is more often turned to a lawyer to represent the client in court.


The RVS solicitor handles the financial settlement, consent orders, pension and divorce, family home, spousal maintenance during and after divorce, protecting assets during divorce, and more. If a married couple has been through marriage issues and decided to file a divorce, a solicitor can help.

After the divorce, the married couple will be parting ways and turn back as single and not married persons, finances should be discussed here. Both the ex-husband and ex-wife should be discussing the division of assets and properties, including child support and custody.

Divorce financial settlement

If you are finding a financial settlement following separation is fraught with animosity and anguish. Expert legal guidance during these difficult times. The RVS solicitors provide expert legal guidance that goes through a divorce or the dissolution of the civil partnership, in a manner that supports the emotional needs of the children.

In settling finances in divorce, solicitors are members of the resolution, a company committed to resolving family law matters in a non-confrontational way, calm, and respectful focused on assisting couples to work out the financial settlement. A financial settlement avoids the stress and cost of going to court and helps the parties get a fair settlement.


After a divorce, the children have the right to get support. The solicitors help with the following:

  • Child arrangements
  • Child abduction
  • Father’s rights
  • Grandparents’ rights
  • Adoption
  • Surrogacy
  • Alienation of a non-resident parent and more

What do child arrangements mean?

When speaking of the law, concerns regarding children take a high emotional toll. Resolving family concerns in non-confrontational ways will be the best for everyone concerned. In any case that involves the lives of children, the focus of these solicitors is on the welfare.

Child abduction solicitors

In family law, child abduction refers to matters where one parent will remove the child from the known residence and relocate elsewhere without notifying the other parent. Child abduction cases are difficult, it involves:

  • Social care agencies
  • Law enforcement

The solicitor proficient in child abduction cases should understand foreign law and international treaties and can work effectively with overseas lawyers.

If handling family law matters, let a certified solicitor handle the case.